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Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Time for a little medical update. I've been away for a few days...having a few tests done.
In March of 2010, I never heard of this guy.......................

I also had never heard of a subarachnoid hemorrhage. However, in March of 2010, a few weeks before Bret Michaels suffered from a SAH (subarachnoid hemorrhage), I was recovering in NICU from a SAH.

Like Bret Michaels, I was blessed. First of all to be alive.....since a huge percentage of people who have this type of hemorrhage in the brain do not live. I was also blessed because I did not have any major residual effects. I can walk and talk and there was no serious damage to the brain. I am so grateful. However, some things have been been a little tough.

I was determined to go back to school and to my beloved class of K-3 special needs students. I did but it didn't take me long to find out that I was very, very tired.  I also discovered that my short term memory was not what it used to be....and it just got worse and worse. I also started getting terrible headaches. By the end of this past school year, I could hardly keep my eyes open to drive home in the afternoon. I would look at my 6 kids in the classroom and I couldn't remember their names. I was diagnosed with migraines secondary to the SAH. My speech became disjointed and it was difficult for me to speak fluently and with ease.  And so.....I made a difficult but obvious decision......I retired. I had to take early retirement at 25 years. I hadn't planned on retiring for 5 more years......but life doesn't always turn out the way we planned.

Another issue has been my sleep patterns, which have changed since the SAH. After lots of testing over the past few weeks, this is what I know.........

I have developed narcolepsy as a result of the SAH. I am taking new meds to address that issue.This is a process.......... The meds that I have been taking to prevent the migraines are working. No migraine in almost 4 weeks!!!  I have been resting when I need to and I think the fatigue is better and with that the short term and speech issues are getting better.

My allergist has referred me to an ENT to see if there is anything else that can be done in regards to the repeated sinus infections that I keep getting. I see him on Friday.

All in all........things seem to be getting better. "The Rev" and I are taking it one day and one step at the time and are just grateful for each and every day.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Vintage Travel Trailer # 2

OK...I know we don't need another travel trailer BUT I couldn't resist this tiny , little, cute 1972 Scotty camper. We can use it for quick get-aways...when we don't want to go to the trouble of hooking up "Miss Betty" or if we want to take someone else along for the trip....we can take BOTH sweet trailers.

Here are some pics......just as the trailer is right now.....with nothing done to the inside. These are the BEFORE pics:

The previous owner screwed pictures into the I'm not sure how I will handle that. I love all the wood and the wood looks pretty good already. I can't wait to see how it looks once I have cleaned it really well. Everything you go.

There is only one cushion for the table. The other side of the table was made into a closet.......not sure what I will do about that yet.

I love all of the little extra's in this trailer.

This is my inspiration piece for the redo of the trailer.The light sort of washed the colors out but it is a throw pillow from World Market with dark reds, turquoise, and gold.  I hope to get to work this week. Stay tuned for the after pictures.......................

Haven't named this new playhouse yet......still thinking..........


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Peeks at Barkley Hall!

Finally, I see a bird peeking through my window as he eats at my window bird feeder. But that bird is kind of big........I'm having images of old Alfred Hitchcock movies right now....not exactly the kind of bird I had in mind. Oh well...I guess he has to eat too..............

And here is a peek at a new "playhouse" that arrived at Barkley Hall today.
More to come on this sweet baby later :)


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Best of the Summer!

Best read of the summer! Hope the movie does the book justice.

Best listening experience of the summer. This young man seems like the "real deal". Hoping that he can stay that way with all of the "yuck" that seems to come with fame.


Friday, August 5, 2011

A few of my favorite things.................

                                                                       My favorite tea cup!

                        My favorite tea, Emperor's Bride from my favorite Tea Room in Savannah.

                                         My favorite "Brown Betty" wearing my favorite tea cozy.



                                                                                 AND NOW  :)


My favorite tea kettle and my FAVORITE Goodwill find of all time. "The Rev" came up to me and said "Look, here is a yellow tea kettle. I know you already have a kettle, but I know you like tea and I know you like yellow so I thought you might like it." I took one look at that shiny black button on the top that said "Le Creuset" and that price tag that said 2.99 and I was one happy girl!!! In our house, "The Rev" currently holds the title of Best Goodwill find because of this kettle.

Every time I heat my water in my cheery yellow  French kettle to steep my Scandinavian Emperor's Bride in my English Brown Betty to drink from my English tea cup using my tea spoon from Wales.....I am as happy as a dead pig in the sunshine!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

That should do it!

Been running from Dr's. office to cat scan and now off again for sleep study. My mind needs to go to a happy place!

AHHH. The entrance to one of my favorite places to eat in Savannah, Tubby's Tankhouse. Yep! That should do it! Oh...but now I'm hungry............
